Create your profile
When you sign up, you will be directed to the profile creation wizard, your step-by-step guide to creating a profile. Completing the profile creation wizard will generate a profile that has the minimum data necessary to begin matching with employers.
Navigating your profile
Your Profile Page has four tabs: Profile, Preferences, Matches and Reviews.
The Profile Tab of the Profile Page is where you can add and edit your personal details and experiences.
When your profile is set to active, several basic demographic fields are required for you to begin being scouted by employers.
The Preferences Tab of your Profile Page is where you can add and edit the details of what roles and employers you're looking for.
The Matches Tab of your Profile Page is where you can find and manage the roles you have matched with.
Reviews support your profile and help employers get a sense of what you're like to work with. You may request reviews and manage review invitation from the Reviews Tab of your Profile Page.
You may view the aggregated results of your reviews when you have at least two reviews.
Required fields
If your profile is set to inactive, you are only required to complete fields related to complete a limited set of fields. These include:
Name (full name and preferred name)
When you want to begin your next job
Type of role
Level of role
Employment type
Preferred industries
Preferred work location
Preferred time zone
Employer size
Minimum compensation
If your profile is set to active, you must complete additional required fields. These include:
Employment level
Level of responsibility
Years of experience
Industries you have experience in
Work experience
Top skills
Language you want to work in
Countries you have authorization to work in
Optional fields
There are several fields that are not required to match with employers. Completion of these fields will help your profile stand out and is highly encouraged.
Link to your LinkedIn profile
Educational experience
Demographic information
Industries you prefer not to work in
Employers you prefer to work for
Employers you prefer not to work for
Most important attributes of the role you're seeking
Description of the role you're seeking
Most important cultural attributes in your next job
View profile
To see the employer-facing view of your profile, select View Profile. Many items will appear anonymized to protect your privacy.
If your privacy settings allow employers to find your profile, employers will have the opportunity to assess your anonymized profile to confirm your skills, experience and education are a good fit for their role.
Last updated
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